Based around the tagline “Play Loud,” PUMA’s new Tricks cleats are full of energy. From standing out on the field to expressing their flashy athletes, PUMA and Tricks never fail to disappoint. To represent the speed players, America’s own Michael Bradley, to represent powerful players, the tactical Cesc Fàbregas. Combining the concept of color, player content and loud visuals, the digital presents were made.


Client: SOCCER.COM, Puma

Category: Digital Experience Design


PUMA Tricks have well cemented their place in history, and they have brought forth yet another generation to claim its place. With their evoPOWER and evoSPEED silos getting a vibrant revamp, the new PUMA line up is more than ready to Play Loud.


Website  and Email Takeover

Catalog pages


“Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a #%@$#^ sharp knife to it.” - Banksy