'22 LINE HOney Badger SKIS

Growlin' around the park and streets, the LINE Honey Badger holds nothing back. The Honey Badger will tackle whatever you put in front of it. Featuring a lightweight and tough as nails Aspen Veneer™ Core, the Honey Badger will tear up handrails, bonks, hard landings, and whatever else you throw at it. The go-to ski for LINE pro Khai Krepela, pick up a Honey Badger and up your game.


Client: LINE Skis

Category: Graphic Design


Product Design

I'm currently building out this story to it's BEST potential. Hang Tight.

In the meantime, check out THE STORY HERE:



“Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a #%@$#^ sharp knife to it.” - Banksy